Charlie's Plumbing Grand Prairie

Charlie's Plumbing Grand Prairie

Home Services in Grand Prairie, TX

Home Services Local Services Construction & Repair

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2125 W Pioneer Pkwy #32,
Grand Prairie , TX 75051 UNITED STATES

About Charlie's Plumbing Grand Prairie

Charlie's Plumbing Grand Prairie

Grand Prairie Plumbing TX will come in quickly to assist you if you have a problem with your drains. We depend on the proper functioning of our drainage systems to keep our homes healthy and to enjoy the convenience that these facilities provide.

Save $25 for any plumbing service $250
Save $50 for any plumbing service $500
Save $100 for any plumbing service $1000
Save $100 for water heater installation

drain cleaning
water heater
sewer repair
toilet repair
garbage disposal

Charlie's Plumbing Grand Prairie
(214) 810-0713
2125 W Pioneer Pkwy #32, Grand Prairie, TX 75051
Open all days from 08:00 am to 06:00 pm



Charlie's Plumbing Grand Prairie 214-810-0713
2125 W Pioneer Pkwy #32,
Grand Prairie , TX 75051 UNITED STATES
Charlie's Plumbing Grand Prairie 5

Based on 1 reviews

Charlie's Plumbing Grand Prairie 214-810-0713
2125 W Pioneer Pkwy #32,
Grand Prairie , TX 75051 UNITED STATES
5 5

Adam came by to help with some clogged drain issues this afternoon. He was very helpful and took care of the problem super quick with no hassles. He was very pleasant to deal with throughout the process and I would definitely recommend him to anyone!!
posted at 04/27/15

Detail information

Company name
Charlie's Plumbing Grand Prairie
Home Services
5.0 (1 reviews)
24 hour plumbing,  sewer drain cleaner,  tankless water heaters
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Charlie's Plumbing Grand Prairie

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